Module poldracklab.fmri

Provide functions for working with fMRI data

This module provides functions for working with fMRI data, including generating hemodynamic response functions (HRFs).

The module contains the following functions:

  • spm_hrf(): Generates a hemodynamic response function (HRF) using a combination of two gamma functions.


def spm_hrf(TR: (),
fMRI_T: float = 16.0,
p: numpy.ndarray | None = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Expand source code
def spm_hrf(
    TR: (float, np.ndarray), fMRI_T: float = 16.0, p: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    """An implementation of spm_hrf.m from the SPM distribution: Generates a hemodynamic response function (HRF)
    using a combination of two gamma functions.


        TR: repetition time(s) at which to generate the HRF (in seconds)

        fMRI_T: time steps per second for the hrf (default 16)

        p: list with parameters of the two gamma functions:

            p[0] - delay of response (relative to onset)         6
            p[1] - delay of undershoot (relative to onset)      16
            p[2] - dispersion of response                        1
            p[3] - dispersion of undershoot                      1
            p[4] - ratio of response to undershoot               6
            p[5] - onset (seconds)                               0
            p[6] - length of kernel (seconds)                   32

        np.ndarray: HRF(s)

    if p is None:
        p = np.array([6, 16, 1, 1, 6, 0, 32])

    TR = float(TR)
    dt = TR / fMRI_T
    u = np.arange(p[6] / dt + 1) - p[5] / dt
    hrf = (
        scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(u, p[0] / p[2], scale=1.0 / (dt / p[2]))
        - scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(u, p[1] / p[3], scale=1.0 / (dt / p[3])) / p[4]
    good_pts = np.array(range(int(p[6] / TR))) * fMRI_T
    hrf = hrf[list(good_pts.astype("int"))]
    # hrf = hrf([0:(p(7)/RT)]*fMRI_T + 1);
    hrf = hrf / np.sum(hrf)
    return hrf

An implementation of spm_hrf.m from the SPM distribution: Generates a hemodynamic response function (HRF) using a combination of two gamma functions.


repetition time(s) at which to generate the HRF (in seconds)
time steps per second for the hrf (default 16)

list with parameters of the two gamma functions:

p[0] - delay of response (relative to onset) 6 p[1] - delay of undershoot (relative to onset) 16 p[2] - dispersion of response 1 p[3] - dispersion of undershoot 1 p[4] - ratio of response to undershoot 6 p[5] - onset (seconds) 0 p[6] - length of kernel (seconds) 32

